custom nft art

Anyone interested in selling and sharing their digital creations like content, art, music and photography can create NFTs. Here is a practical guide on successfully jumping on the bandwagon of creating a nonfungible token.

Why NFTs!

NFTs: so hot right now. You might have heard so much about these eye-popping auctions for weirdo jpegs on the internet that you’re pretty sick of them by now. For those still on the bubbly side of the hype cycle, “non-fungible tokens” can seem like the solution to online art monetization. For everyone else, NFTs seem mostly like a high-tech way to part a fool from his money. Non-fungible tokens for art can seem a lot like Tulipmania. But distinct digital tokens have real use cases for things like online address management.

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Unique character
$ 125
  • 1 base artwork
  • 3 traits/accessories
  • 1 variation
  • Background/scene


1K NFT, 1,000 unique NFT collection. 1 Base character & 30 Traits
$ 1300
  • 1 base artwork
  • 30 traits/accessories
  • 1,000 variations
  • Metadata
  • Collection generation
  • Background/scene
  • Source file


10k NFT, 10,000 unique NFT collection. 1 Base character & 75 Traits
$ 2600
  • 1 base artwork
  • 75 traits/accessories
  • 10,000 variations
  • Metadata
  • Collection generation
  • Background/scene
  • Source file


NFT traits are the building blocks of so-called PFP projects in the category of NFT collectibles. One of the most iconic PFP projects of all time is the Bored Ape Yacht Club. Each Bored Ape consists of up to 7 different body parts and other accessories. Each one of these parts is referred to as an NFT trait.

PFPs — profile pictures — have taken non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to the mainstream. The trend was catalyzed by the rising popularity of CryptoPunks in 2021. This was followed by the emergence of popular collections such as Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC), Hashmasks, Meebits, and World of Women.

A non-fungible token generator or NFT art generator is an exciting new innovation in the block chain world. This new technology has created an entirely new category of collectors and an entirely new market for unique NFT collections.

It is an AI-based software that can produce NFTs collections. You don’t need any technical experience to create NFTs. It is a ready-to-use software solution by which you can generate thousands of unique NFT artwork.

You can use this software to create a very lucrative business if you have the correct marketing strategies in place. Many people and artists are using this software in order to create and sell NFT collections on the block chain.

With the help of this software, you can generate various NFTs collections for crypto currency platforms like Ethereum, Polygon, Solana, etc.


Metadata is data that provides information about other data; in the case of an NFT, it describes that NFT’s essential properties, including its name, description, and anything else its creator feels is important.


A non-fungible token (NFT) is a financial security consisting of digital data stored in a block chain, a form of distributed ledger.


Explain the Character, How many traits/accessories you want, and Background Type. More you explain the better Quality will be.


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